Friday 25 March 2011

Inspiration video

This video portrays the amazing architecture of sanitago calatrava. The building is called The Milwaukee Art Museum on Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. One of my favourite aspects of this design is the use of tension and suspension in the wiring. The simplicity and complexity is absolutely amazing. 



 Rough sectional/plans of stairs

Explored the notion of growth by using different materials and increasing/decreasing thickness and gradient of each tread.

explores a sense of growth from the walls

Inspiration - spiral/cantilever

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Sketch up week 3

middle space - gallery

back section


above ground space
Textures used -



Wednesday 16 March 2011

week3 sketchup model

I continued with the two words - vulnerable and organic however delved deeper with these two words and looked at the notion of growth and the feeling of fear and insecurity. One of the main aspects of my above ground space is the cantilever structure which evidently explores the notion of vulnerability and fear as it opposes you as you walk towards studio. Also the studio space explores a sense of vulnerability as it hangs above the ground creating a sense of fear. 
The below ground space is explored through the idea of growth as there are different layers that form a internal space. One of the main aspects of this space is the stairs as I want to explore a sense of growth by referencing the idea of a tree and the uses of it.
Outter layer

Inner layer
Below ground stair
Above ground studio

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Sketchup models - first stage

For the above ground space I have chosen vulnerable and the below ground space revolves around the notion of organic.
I have chosen this particular design because of its simplicity as well as its complex form and nature. The above ground space reflects the notion of vulnerability as the proposed working space (open white area) is clearly exposed to the outside world. Furthermore the overall scale of the space is also explored as this also contributes and explores the idea of vulnerability. The below ground space is much less controlled and clearly represents the notion of organic as I explore the idea of roots and its significance. 

I have developed my sketchup model through different stages as I looked at each space separately to further understand each space in a three dimensional factor.

My developed design of the two spaces so far -  
 I explored the above ground space further by enhancing the idea of an exposed space and the structural curves also alludes to the notion of "opening" which clearly reflects the sense of vulnerability. I have explored the below ground space in a different manner as it is much more sharp and controlled. The reason behind this was because I wanted to juxtapose both the spaces. However I still explored the notion of roots and the structural elements throughout the space also alludes to the idea of growth and strength which reinforces the central concept of organic.

Friday 4 March 2011

The Datum - Sketches

Two artists chose : Mueck & Malangi
Movement - Human  /  Human - Movement
Waiting - Dreamtime  /  Dreatime - Waiting
Organic - Waiting  /  Waiting - Organic
Vulnerable - Dreamtime  /  Dreamtime - Vulnerable

Human - Organic  /  Organic - Human
Human - Dreamtime  /  Dreamtime - Human

Movement - Vulnerable  /  Movement - Waiting
Vulnerable - Movement  /  Waiting - Movement

Vulnerable - Organic  /  Organic - Vulnerable