Wednesday 13 April 2011

Independant study week2

Chosen hypothesis
The nature of man is to be selfish

A person can understand seven different languages

My hypothesis was explored through the idea of juxtaposing the man-made structure with the landscape and portrays the notion of greed, power and selfishness. By creating a structure the over-powered and engulfed the surround landscape, clearly depicts the notion of selfishness. The architectural form of the structure expresses a central and grounded block representing the human form and the use of cantilevers not only defines a working space but also enhances the central idea and contributes to the experience of the space and surrounding landscape.

The second working space explores the idea of multiples and its connection to the land. By exploring a repetitive design to express the notion of different languages allows for different spaces to be formed and used as working space. The structure is much more grounded as compared to the first working space as this explores the importance of language and communication between people. This is also further explored through the connections to different elements of nature that is – water, rock, grass and also references the notion of multiples.

The pathway that leads to both studios is constructed in a way that addresses and represents the central ideas of each space. By creating a large and long pathway does this suggest the element of overpowering and dominating thus referencing Freud’s working space. The winding aspect of the pathway is referenced to Agnesi’s working space as it suggests the notion of multiple pathways that may lead to one main point.

The meeting point was based on the idea of creating a place that lacks any distraction and that is open and much more natural and organic.

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