Friday 27 April 2012


Public and Private space
After working out the total area and volume of both the public and private spaces, I was able to establish a general ratio of how much private to public area and volume quantities of each level. The general outcome was of 50-50% public and private. From this, I looked further into the spaces and deconstructed them into subcategories, which was generated from analysing how each space was used.
Private – Used by either the servants and owners of the house
Public/private – Used by both public and private however becomes private when in use
Intermediate – Used by both public and private
Public – Is aimed for public use
The model shows how much space is actually public and private before (left) and after (right) introducing subcategory spaces. The drawing compares the notion of private to public rooms (sections) and compares it to the usage and density of each room.

Explores the notion of density throughout the main circulation routes thus establishes a notion of proportions that are relative to the purpose of the space. For example private rooms are specific to serve as sleeping quarters, bathrooms etc and its path is much more direct and smaller whereas public spaces are much more open and allow for multipurpose use hence larger circulation routes.

Modelled the negative spaces of the house, which allowed me to look at the detailing of the house in terms of how it achieved its conceptual thought. The raised garden beds and perpets highlighted this notion of containment through its strong and direct lines. The curve curtain wall reinforces a sense of containment when looking at the negative view as it enclosed one to the space inside.
The drawing looks at how the notion of private and public spaces are closely linked to the idea of density and circulation. After assigning specific percentages to the four different spaces and connected them through the idea of space hierarchy within the house (private being the most important, public/private interconnects between public, and intermediate is equal to both public and private) I explored the notion of circulation in terms the density and size of the shapes used. 

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